piatok 11. januára 2013

Andrew Bannecker - ilustrátor

Andrew Bannecker is an award winning artist and illustrator currently based just outside Washington DC. His work has been recognized by the One Show, Communication Arts, American Illustration, The Society of Illustrators and 3x3 Magazine among others, and he was included in Luerzer's Archive of 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide. His work has been featured in books such as Illustration Now, Coca-Cola 125th Anniversary and The Tote Bag and has been showcased in exhibitions of note all over the world. His clients include Coca Cola, Nike, Neiman Marcus and Starbucks, to name a few - http://www.andrewbannecker.com/about/

"I dream of digital ink on atique paper. Lazyering texture upon texture and telling a story." Citované z Illustration Now!3, Taschen

I recently became completely enamored with 1930's cartoons. And as many of you know I'm also obsessed with Harry Potter. So the other day I had Deathly Hallows on in my studio and was watching some old 30's cartoons at the same time. The two worlds came together and this guy was born. I hope you all love this new piece as much I did working on it. Kopírované z http://www.andrewbannecker.com/blog/?currentPage=5

Keď už sme pri Matilde, odporúčam prečítať si túto knihu, ktorá je možno označovaná ako literatúra pre deti a mládež, ale myšlienku a vtip má omnoho hlbšiu. Je o dievčatku (asi uhádnete ako sa volá), ktoré sa narodilo nadpriemerne inteligentné, bohužiaľ do nesprávnej rodiny, kde sa trávi čas väčšinou pri telke, sledovaním "prázdnych" zábavných show. Kniha je vtipná a chytí za srdce, odporúčam!

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